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Remote Deposit Capture, aka RDC, just like other payment collection systems have guidance, laws and rules that are required for a financial institution to mitigate the risks and ensure compliance with its RDC Program. This payments webinar will cover FFIEC Guidance on remote deposit capture which includes all types of remote capture (i.e. merchant, mobile, ATM etc.)
This RDC compliance training will take attendees through a comprehensive review of the rules and regulations that directly impact Remote Deposit Capture, including :
- FFIEC Guidance on Remote Deposit Capture
- Changes in Regulation CC and the impact to RDC
- Federal Reserve Bank laws
- Electronic Check Clearing House Organization (ECCHO) rules
- Check 21 rules
- Uniform Commercial Code,
- Agreements between you and your customers (commercial and consumers)
- Regulation J, and
- Regulation E for consumer entries that are converted to ACH.
BONUS MATERIAL: This RDC webinar includes a quick reference document to understand which laws, regulations and rules govern what aspect of Remote Deposit Capture.